The Recovery Lab presents the best face muscle stimulator

The Recovery Lab presents the best face muscle stimulator

Benefits of a facial massage

Taking care of your face in the right way is one of the most important things everyone should do, not just from the aesthetic point of view, but also health-wise.

The benefits of a good facial massage are instantly evident, your face loses the bad tension that is focused on only specific areas, and improves blood flow in the rest of the face and parts which do not usually move a lot, and tend to be under-stimulated. It also helps with mental relaxation, which vastly improves our concentration and mental capacity after a long day.

Facial stimulation

There are several ways in which we can stimulate our facial muscles and they all require some kind of facial massage and stimulation, whether it is a manual or aided with a device. The most wide-spread are manual massages with the use of facial creams.

They not only stimulate muscles but rub the cream into our skin helping the absorption process. Muscles are thus relaxed and stimulated to take in more oxygen-rich blood, which in turn is beneficial for the recuperation and healing process of muscles on our face and neck.

Anti-ageing devices improve your beauty and health

While manual massages indeed are beneficial, studies have shown that using cream and an anti-ageing device shows clear evidence of improvement and supports claims that such devices improve the effects of face products. In these studies, participants who used such devices saw improvements on skin texture, reduction in wrinkles and skin sagging.

By improving blood flow, facial massages can reduce acne and their appearance as well as make people feel fresh, relaxed and rejuvenated. All this reflects positively on the health of your skin. With PureLift devices, you can get all the mentioned benefits and more. It’s specially designed diamond-shaped heads work not only as perfect microcurrent conductors but as a physical massager, gliding over your face and neck.

Recommendation: Can't decide what to buy? Check what best suits your needs PureLift Face or PureLift Pro.

PureLift as the best face muscle stimulator 

The Recovery Lab’s FDA-patented technology called Triple Wave was invented after their scientist noticed that body’s natural response to stimuli – adaptation, rendered other microcurrent devices useless.

With Triple Wave technology and invention, The Recovery Lab hacked our muscles into working out without adaptation, constantly providing the wanted results and health benefits of a massage. Their microcurrent, which is much stronger than that of their competitors, reaches deeper into the muscle, stimulating blood flow, collagen production as well as muscle exercise which all in turn amount to a healthier and rejuvenated look.

With increased blood flow and collagen production, things like scars and acne are a thing of the past. A faster metabolism means faster healing, skin repair fewer wrinkles on your face and neck. Its perfectly ergonomic design makes the device easy to use, carry and store as it fits perfectly into any bag and any situation.

Recommendation: Check out PureLift Face and PureLift Pro 5* reviews.

Daily home use instead of professional 30 mins money-draining

As a bonus, PureLift’s conductive gel is packed with skin-nurturing substances like the one’s seen in facial creams. The device’s microcurrent improves the absorption of these substances and makes it easier for other skincare products to be more effective making it even more efficient than ordinary, facial massages.

You can have all this and more in your home for far less money than going to professional treatments.

Check PureLift Face and PureLift Pro and order your new companion. It's the only device you will want in your home.


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