How to Use PureLift Devices

How to Use PureLift Devices

First things first, you’ll need to charge the device before using it for up to 24 hours. From there, after cleansing your face, apply a generous amount of the PureLift Activator serum (which comes in the set) to the area you’ll begin to treat first. Once you turn the power on, a 10-minute timer begins. Apply the device to the gelled contours of the face before slowly working your way up to an electrical output you’re comfortable with; it starts at zero and goes up to level 10.

PureLiftLab advises working from the center of the face and moving outwards along the jawline and cheekbones, as well as moving from the base of the eyebrows upward to promote a greater lift. The manual also comes with a visual guide if you’re unsure of what to do, want to switch things up, or target additional areas of concern such as smile lines.

The brand advises using PureLift for 10 minutes a day, every other day for best results. However, they caution that this facial toning device isn’t suitable for you if:

  • you’re pregnant
  • you have a pacemaker or any metal plates or pins
  • you have had skin cancer in the past year
  • you have another form of cancer or diabetes
  • you have a history of losing sensation in your skin

In addition, PureLift Lab mentions you should only use this device on a low setting if you have vitiligo. Finally, if you get any of the following aesthetic treatments, adhere to the following waiting periods before using Pure Lift to avoid adverse effects:

  • Threads: wait four weeks and only use on a low setting
  • Botox: wait two weeks
  • Fillers: wait four weeks


I made a commitment to use PureLift for 10 minutes a day, every other day, over four weeks to assess my results.

On my first go, I wanted to check the deep stimulation on my hand to get a sense of what kind of shock I was in for; I was convinced that my device was defective since I couldn’t feel a single thing. After reading the manual a few more times, I realized that the PureLift Activator Serum was necessary to get moving and grooving, so I applied a dropper’s worth to my face, which did the trick. However, my light layer of the conductive serum dried out pretty quickly—I discovered that it made a lot more sense to apply the serum directly from the dropper to my skin only when I was treating a certain area, and to reapply it as needed and upon moving to a new area.) To stay safe, I stuck to level three on my first try. I felt a little stimulation though not much, and figured it’d be best to rev things up going forward.



From my second session onwards, I stuck to level eight, which was enough to make me feel the electrical pulses and sense that my muscles were truly being activated. At certain spots, I could seriously feel it go to work via a release of built-up tension, particularly along my jawline and inner brows. (On this note, the inner brow release feels so. damn. good.) I also witnessed its stimulating powers via involuntary twitches around the corners of my mouth.


For reference, the technology may feel a bit strange or intense at first (in my case, especially while smoothing the device along my chin/close to my gums and teeth), but it shouldn’t be uncomfortable. If it’s painful or causes discomfort for any reason, be sure to adjust the power to a lower setting.

Now, for the part we’ve all been waiting for: Does the PureLift live up to its facial-toning, anti-aging claims? After a four-week review period, I’m pleased to say that the device exceeded my expectations. My skin feels more supple to the touch, my jawline appears more sculpted than before, and my smile lines even look a bit more shallow. And while the deep vertical line on my forehead is still present, my fine lines and other wrinkles have softened enough so that I’m not itching to make my next Botox appointment, despite the fact that I’m due for a touch-up.


TiP: Use a water mister to extend the life of the PureLift Activator Serum. You can leave the Serum on the skin after treatment as it contains lots of nutrients.

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