PureLift non-invasive facelift program

PureLift non-invasive facelift program

Modern age non-invasive procedure

When first signs of ageing appear, the first thing that comes to mind is face lifting. Thanks to the recently developed skin injections and fillers, plastic surgery treatments have come a long way from the traditional incision around the scalp and pulling back of muscles. Nevertheless, non-invasive procedures have also made a leap forward allowing clients to have the same effects without breaking the skin. Youthful look, glowing and rejuvenated skin are now possible in just a few minutes, bringing back your confidence and freshness with just one program of treatment – PureLift’s program.

Tripple Wave patented technology for PureLift devices

PureLift (PureLift Face, PureLift Pro and PureLift Pro+) has been designed around an all-new, patented technology called Tripple Wave, which wakes your facial muscles up and stimulates them. It exercises them through contraction and relaxation produced by short electric muscle stimulation. This workout, which gives the procedure its name – face gym, strengthens and tones the muscles, improving circulation and promoting better absorption of skincare products. With just five minutes on each side of your face, your muscles will regain elasticity lifting your face naturally. 

PureLift is a market leading non-invasive facelifting program

PureLift is the leading face lifting, non-invasive tool collection on the market because of its ability to stimulate muscles deeper under your skin than most other devices of this kind. Thanks to Triple Wave, which uses 1,300 – 1,700Hz electric pulses, muscles can work non-stop without fear of the body’s adaptation to the stimulus. This is because the device releases waves of pulses which always differ in strength and duration avoiding fatigue and increasing blood flow, collagen production and healing of the skin. This not only activates the cell metabolism but is also induces the production of new skin and ironing of wrinkles that come with age. 

With PureLift, age can disappear with just one session. The tightening of muscles and skin is instantly visible around the eyes, forehead cheeks, jaws and neck. The device also promotes the creation of an ATP compound improving energy production in our cells. And the best thing with all the said benefits is that they do not require you to undergo any painful treatment nor du ProLift treatments create and discomfort. On the contrary, PureLift acts as a short rejuvenating massage allowing you to have the results and time to devote yourself to other things in life. Not only that, being portable, PureLift can give you a facelift treatment on any location, at any time during the day.

It's also the best non-invasive facelift program

PureLift is the best natural alternative to expensive and painful treatments offered by plastic surgeons. Now there is no need to spend huge amounts of money and time recuperating after the surgery when you can have a natural look every day in just 10 minutes.

Its effects are most visible in clients aged 40 plus, which is when we start seriously thinking of face lifting, but it is also recommended to younger clients as a preventive measure against early ageing.

With its built-in battery, clients can take PureLift device anywhere with them maintaining the fresh look and looking relaxed at any time of the day.

Check PureLift collection now!

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